Our Mission
Mr. Kolen began his tutelage in Yoshin Ryu Jujitsu in 1986 under the guidance of Sensei Caesar Gomez in Torrejon,
Mr. Kolen is a certified Rokudan(6th degree black belt)through the International Federation of Yoshin Ryu Jujitsu
and takes his vast real life experiences as a bouncer, bodyguard and trainer to pass this on to his students. Mr. Kolen is
available for seminars and private instruction in Yoshin Ryu Jujitsu.
Initial Sign-up - $175.00 (Includes uniform and 1st month dues)
Monthly Dues - $100.00
more information on Yoshin Ryu Jujitsu specifically and the schedule for this class or seminars and private lessons, please
feel free to contact us at (501)612-0242 or via e-mail Contact Us.